League Rules 

Viking Pool League - General Rules

League Fixtures

  1. All fixtures to be played using the current "UK BLACKBALL POOL RULES".
  2. All fixtures to be played on or before the designated dates as set out by the committee each season, unless they cannot be played under exceptional circumstances i.e., bad weather, emergencies etc. In which case the committee and opposing team must be informed ASAP.
    1. Failure to inform the other team will be deemed as "not turning up" for your match. In which case Rule 6 will apply.
  3. All matches to be played by playing twelve individual frames, resulting in one point per frame to the winning team.
    1. If a team has six or more players, any player can be selected to play for a second time after the first six frames, or halfway point if more than six players initially selected.
    2. Players are randomly drawn by the opposition Captain before the start of the match, for the first six players, and again at the midway point for the second six.
    3. If a team only has five players, they are permitted to have the opposition Captain draw two of their players, from their list of five players, to play frames eleven and twelve.
    4. The number of players on a team at the start of the match dictates the format. Teams are not permitted to draw a third time if their team goes below six mid-way through the match.
  4. All fixtures to commence on or before 8.00pm on the designated dates.
  5. Any matches cancelled due to exceptional circumstances must be rearranged by both parties agreeing the nearest available date and informing a committee member.
    1. When a new designated date is agreed, Rules 1, 2, 3 and 4 apply.
    2. All League Matches, including those rescheduled, to be completed before the end of season AGM.
  6. If a team fails to turn up at the designated venue to start the match by 8.00pm then each frame can be claimed every five minutes (e.g., 8.05pm - 1/0, 8.10pm 2/0 etc.) until a winning score has been reached then all the remaining games will be claimed.
    1. Failure to turn up for any league fixture will result in a fine as set out by the committee and must be paid before the next league fixture.
    2. Failure to pay the fine by the following league fixture will be deemed as "not turning up" for the match and the following rule will apply.
    3. Failure to turn up to two league fixtures during any one season will result in that team being removed from the league and all points will be removed if still in the first half of the season. If in the second half of the season, only the second half points will be removed.
  7. If a player fails to turn up at the designated venue to start their frame by the halfway point (after the first six frames / halfway point if more than six players initially selected), then their frame can be claimed.
  8. If a player selected to play is not ready by the halfway point of the match (after the first six frames / halfway point if more than six players initially selected), then their frame can be claimed.
  9. If a team for any reason cannot play on or before the designated date and informs the opposing team, giving 24 hours’ notice then rule 6 does not apply i.e., the match is claimed resulting in a 12-0 score.
  10. Joe Goddard / Captain’s WhatsApp group must be informed of all league fixture results within 24 hours. Failure to do so will result in both teams involved receiving six points each.


Knock Out Fixtures

For all KO matches Rules 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the "League Fixtures" apply plus:

  1. All team KO matches to be played as per Rule 3.
  2. All 3-man matches to be played by each individual of both teams playing each other alternately (total of 9 frames) until a winning score is reached. These matches can be played using 2 players on a team (using 'a' b' on the score card) therefore conceding three frames.
  3. All semi-finals and finals are to be played on neutral venues as selected by the committee.
  4. All matches are best of five frames, quarterfinals and semi-finals are the best of seven frames, and the finals are the best of nine frames.
  5. All individuals playing in any KO competition must make sure they have played a minimum of three separate matches in the league to qualify playing in the semi-finals. Failure to do so will result in that individual/team being removed from the competition and the opposing team going through to the final.
  6. If two or more matches are designated at the same venue, then each match must be played ASAP after each other. All players involved must be at the venue for 8.00pm, failure to do so can result in Rule 6 of the league rules applying.
  7. If an individual or team fails to turn up by 8.00pm on the designated date Rule 6 of the league rules applies.
  8. Any match that has been rearranged and agreed to by both parties has a new "designated date" and can be played after 8.00pm (only if the time has been agreed by both parties). Failure to turn up at the agreed time can result in Rule 6 of the league rules applying.
  9. Failure to turn up to any KO match (except team KO) unless you have informed your opponent before-hand or in exceptional circumstances, will result in each individual not allowed to enter that KO competition in the next season they play.
  10. If for any reason, in any match both parties cannot agree on a new "designated date" then the committee should be informed ASAP and they will try and resolve the situation.
  11. Joe Goddard must be informed of all KO fixture results within 24 hours. Failure to do so could result in both parties being removed from the competition.

All rules are subject to change by the committee, for any further information please contact Joe Goddard (07880 343575)